
I enjoy teaching. Here is a list of coursers I was involved in:

Computer Networks (link)
Advanced Computer Networks (link)
Future Internet (link)
Introduction to databases (link)
Advanced databases (link)
Software-aided business process modeling (link)
Object-oriented programming (link)
Compilers (link)
Programming languages and data structures (link)
Computer architecture (link)
Linear algebra (link)

I also enjoy working directly with the students. Here is a list of Bachelor's and Master's thesises that I was honored to supervise:

One Server to Host them all: Towards E cient Execution of Tiny Cloud Workloads - Damien A.
Making DDNNs Friendlier In The Data Center - Hanjing G.
Towards efficient scheduling of tiny cloud workloads - Elizaveta T.
Benchmarking Multi-Path Transport - Daniel M. (link)
Resolving resource contention on slack resources - Valentino F.
Workload identification in the cloud - Jonas M.
Single round trip web page delivery - Timon B.
Circuit switching for video streaming - Valentino F.
Scoring congestion control schemes - Jan U.